39 min read

On the LPIC-1 Exam 102: Networking Fundamentals

This is a riveting series:

And, so is this one!

When studying for the Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1 certification, I took a bunch of notes when reading the docs and doing an online course. Note that this is not exhaustive, so do not depend on this article to get you prepared for the exam.

The menu items below are not in any order.

This roughly covers Topic 109: Networking Fundamentals.

Caveat emptor.

Exam Details

LPIC-1 Exam 102

  • Exam Objectives Version: 5.0
  • Exam Code: 102-500

Topic 109: Networking Fundamentals

IP Addresses

Internet protocol addresses are 32-bits long, divided into four groups of eight bits (1 byte). These groups are usually called octets or dotted quads and are referred to as being in dotted decimal format.


In the old days, IP addresses were given out in blocks from different address spaces called classes, five in all, although the LPIC-1 only seems to care about the first three. Not cool, LPIC-1, not cool.

  • Class A
    • -
  • Class B
    • -
  • Class C
    • -

These are publicly-routable addresses.

There are also private IP addresses that can only be used on private networks. There is one range for each class:

  • Class A
    • -
  • Class B
    • -
  • Class C
    • -


Decimal to Binary

Perhaps the easiest way to do this conversion is by hand rather than programmatically. In this method, the number is halved and the remainder recorded right to left until 0 or 1 is reached. That’s it.

Let’s convert the number 105 to binary.

105 / 2 = quotient 52, remainder 1

binary = 1


52 / 2 = quotient 26, remainder 0

binary = 01


26 / 2 = quotient 13, remainder 0

binary = 001


13 / 2 = quotient 6, remainder 1

binary = 1001


6 / 2 = quotient 3, remainder 0

binary = 01001


3 / 2 = quotient 1, remainder 1

binary = 101001


Since the quotient is <= 1, we record it as the last of the conversion.

binary = 1101001

Optionally, left pad with zeroes.

binary = 01101001

So, decimal 105 is binary 01101001.

Easy peasy.

Binary to Decimal

Converting from binary to decimal is quite straightforward, as well.

Here is a quick table showing the powers of 2 for 16 bits (2 bytes):

Power of 2 Decimal
20 1
21 2
22 4
23 8
24 16
25 32
26 64
27 128
28 256
29 512
210 1024
211 2048
212 4096
213 8192
214 16,384
215 32,768
216 65,536

The conversion begins from left to right, and everywhere there is a 1 it’s value is looked up in the table and noted. Then, all of the number are added together to get the final result, in decimal.

Let’s convert the above binary number 01101001 back to decimal:


Remove all of the left padded zeroes.



Look up the decimal value for 26,
since the left-hand number is a 1 and it's in the sixth position (zero-based):

decimal = 64



Look up the decimal value for 25,
since the left-hand number is a 1 and it's in the fifth position:

decimal = 64 + 32


The next number is a 0, so remove it and continue.




Look up the decimal value for 23,
since the left-hand number is a 1 and it's in the third position:

decimal = 64 + 32 + 8


The next number is a 0, so remove it and continue.



The next number is a 0, so remove it and continue.




Look up the decimal value for 20,
since the left-hand number is a 1 and it's in the zeroth position:

decimal = 64 + 32 + 8 + 1

Binary 01101001 is decimal 105.


A netmask is used to determine what part, i.e., how many bits, of the IP address is the network address. The rest of the address is for the hosts.

In the bad old days, netmasks were straightforward. You basically just had three masks: 8 bits, 16 bits and 24 bits. These represented the A, B and C classes, respectively:

  • Class A
  • Class B
  • Class C

The examples above are using CIDR notation, where the IP address is followed by a forward slash (/) and the number of network bits that make up the netmask. And, just like an IP address, a netmask is 32 bits long (well, for v4).

Things get much more complicated with the introduction of CIDR and classless networks.


Classless Inter-Domain Routing, or CIDR, doesn’t conform to the classful networking model. In fact, it was conceived to address the rapid IPv4 address exhaustion and to slow the growth of Internet routing tables.

CIDR notation allows for variable-length subnet masking (VLSM) as opposed to the strict 8-bit groupings of the classful network subnet masks.

Here is an example:

The network mask, or prefix, is 27 bits in length, and so the host portion is 5 bits. This allows a system administrator to create a smaller private network where the 254 machines of a legacy Class C network aren’t warranted and needed. In other words, it would simply be too big for the needs of a network that small.

The IP address in the CIDR notation above is the network address (because the last dotted quad is 0).

So, how do you determine the network address and the broadcast address from a random IP, like Good question. At first glimpse, it seems like a non-intuitive task, but it gets easier to determine with practice.

( I’m not sure that you need to know how to do this for the exam, but regardless, it’s something you should know how to do. )

Here’s an example using an amazing tool to calculate the important addresses given an IP address in CIDR notation:

$ cidr
   Network prefix: 10
  Host identifier: 22
      Total hosts: 4194302
       IP address:
      Subnet mask:
  Network address:
Broadcast address:

Determining the network and broadcast addresses use simple bitwise operations.

Determine Network Address

To determine the network address:

  • IP address AND (&) netmask

For example:

Convert each octet of the IP address to binary:


Convert the netmask to binary:


Finally, bitwise AND (&) them:


Network address =

Determine Broadcast Address

To determine the broadcast address:

  • IP address OR (|) the inverse of netmask

For example:

Convert each octet of the IP address to binary:


Convert the netmask to binary:


Invert it.  Another way to do it is simply convert the host bits to ones.
Due to the properties of bitwise `OR`, the result will be the same:


Finally, bitwise OR (|) them:


Broadcast address =

Calculate Total Number of Hosts

4,194,302 = 2(32-10)-2

How is that, now?

Well, since the length of an IPv4 address is 32 bits, we subtract the network prefix from the total. This is what is then raised as the exponent.

Finally, we need to adjust the total for the network and broadcast addresses, which is why two is subtracted before returning the total.


Default Route

Two nodes (machines) that are on two different networks cannot talk to each other without the aid of a router. This router, often called a gateway (i.e., a gateway between two networks), is aware of both networks as it is configured with an IP address from both networks, and it knows how to route traffic between them.

For example, let’s assume that there are two Class C subnets:

  • Network 1
  • Network 2

Now, the machine with IP address clearly cannot send a packet directly to the machine with IP address as they are not on the same logical network/subnet.

However, a router that has two interfaces, one configured with the IP address and the other with IP address, can act as the intermediary and can facilitate the communication between these two nodes on separate and distinct subnetworks.

They key to establishing the communication is to configure the default route for each machine on each network. This default route indicates the IP address to which all packets which are not addressed to the host’s local network should be sent.

In the example above, the default route for machines on the network will be the IP address, which is the router/gateway IP address, while the default route for machines on the network will be

To view all routes on a machine:

$ ip route


$ sudo route


The port number is a 16 bit field, which yields a total number of 65,535 possible ports. Of these, the first 1023 are known as privileged ports, and only root or another privileged user can start services on any of them.

The rest (1024 - 65,535), at least according to LPI, are known as non-privileged or socket ports, and they are used as the source port for a socket connection.

Many of the privileged ports have been standardized by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). For example:

Port Service
20 FTP (data)
20 FTP (control)
22 SSH
23 Telnet
53 DNS
110 POP3
123 NTP
139 Netbios
143 IMAP
161 SNMP
162 SNMPTRAP, SNMP Notifications
389 LDAP
514 RSH
995 POP3S

You can view all of the standard ports in /etc/services.



  • layer 4 (transport layer)
  • connection-oriented


  • layer 4 (transport layer)
  • connectionless


  • layer 3 (network layer)
  • main function is to analyze and control network elements
    • traffic volume control
    • detection of unreachable destinations
    • route redirection
    • checking the status of remote hosts


Here is an example for those of you that are never satisfied:


Everybody makes a big deal about how you can shorten IPv6 addresses if a grouping includes all zeroes. Here goes:



Can be reduced to:


Note that that particular shorthand can only be done once in an address. Here is another example:




The fourth and fifth groupings can be reduced to ::, but the seventh can only be reduced to a single zero.

If there are non-contiguous zero groupings, they cannot all be reduced using the aformentioned shorthand.

There are three different types of IPv6 addresses:

  • unicast
    • send to a single interface
  • multicast
    • send to multiple interfaces as a group or set (but not to every interface like broadcast, which does not exist in IPv6)
  • anycast
    • like multicast only in the sense that it identifies a set or group to send to, but unlike multicast, it only sends to one interface

TODO differences with v4

Network Interfaces

Let’s look at the iproute2 collection of utilities for controlling TCP/IP networking and traffic control.


$ ip link show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: enp0s31f6: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e8:6a:64:63:90:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether a0:a4:c5:5f:f3:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
$ ip -brief link show
lo               UNKNOWN        00:00:00:00:00:00 <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP>
enp0s31f6        DOWN           e8:6a:64:63:90:6f <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP>
wlp3s0           UP             a0:a4:c5:5f:f3:de <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>

You can also list using nmcli, the command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager.

$ nmcli device
DEVICE          TYPE      STATE         CONNECTION
wlp3s0          wifi      connected     derpy
p2p-dev-wlp3s0  wifi-p2p  disconnected  --
enp0s31f6       ethernet  unavailable   --
lo              loopback  unmanaged     --


In the bad older days before 2009, the Linux kernel would name the interfaces simply in the order that they were detected. The devices were named using an ethX naming scheme (for Ethernet), so the first was named eth0, the second eth1, and so on.

However, an interface could swap its name after a reboot if it were detected by the kernel in a different order.

To solve this terrible problem, a predictable network interface naming scheme was developed to reliably map an interface’s name to its physical location on the machine. For machines that use systemd, by default it follows a policy to name the devices using one of five different schemes:

  1. name the interface after the index provided by the BIOS or by the firmware of embedded devices, e.g. eno1
  2. name the interface after the PCI express slot index, as given by the BIOS or firmware, e.g. ens1
  3. name the interface after its address at the corresponding bus, e.g. enp3s5
  4. name the interface after the interface’s MAC address, e.g. enx78e7d1ea46da
  5. name the interface using the legacy convention, e.g. eth0

However, if biosdevname is installed and enabled (i.e., passed as a kernel command-line parameter – biosdevname=1), it will use that as the naming scheme.

For those machines using a predictable naming scheme, the different types will be identified by a two-character prefix at the start of the name:

Prefix Interface Type
en Ethernet
ib InfiniBand
sl Serial line IP (slip)
wl Wireless local area network (WLAN)
ww Wireless wide area network (WWAN)

You can use some of our old friends to see the provenance of the interface’s name. For instance, the wireless interface on my machine is named wlp3s0:

$ ip -brief address show wlp3s0
wlp3s0           UP    fe80::8807:e415:225:e49d/64
$ lspci | ag wireless
03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 8265 / 8275 (rev 78)

Note the record in the first column, 03:00.0. This is known as the slot tag, and it defines the bus (8 bits), device (5 bits) and function (3 bits) of the interface in the following format (known as BDF notation):


So, we can see here that the name is an amalgamation of the two character prefix followed by the slot tag.

Just for fun, here’s a command that shows verbose information about my wireless card (note that the domain number is not needed, as BDF is sufficient to identify a PCI device uniquely):

$ sudo lspci -vDnns 03:00.0
0000:03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Wireless 8265 / 8275 [8086:24fd] (rev 78)
        Subsystem: Intel Corporation Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 [8086:0010]
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 162, IOMMU group 12
        Memory at e9100000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]
        Capabilities: [c8] Power Management version 3
        Capabilities: [d0] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
        Capabilities: [40] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
        Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting
        Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number a0-a4-c5-ff-ff-5f-f3-de
        Capabilities: [14c] Latency Tolerance Reporting
        Capabilities: [154] L1 PM Substates
        Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi
        Kernel modules: iwlwifi
Option Output
v verbose
D show PCI domain number (in blue)
nn show PCI vendor and device codes as both numbers and names
- class code in red
- vendor ID in tan
- device ID in green
s specify device by BDF

Here’s the same information with the device’s PCI configuration space shown in hex:

$ lspci -vDnnxs 03:00.0
0000:03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Wireless 8265 / 8275 [8086:24fd] (rev 78)
        Subsystem: Intel Corporation Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 [8086:0010]
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 162, IOMMU group 12
        Memory at e9100000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]
        Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi
        Kernel modules: iwlwifi
00: 86 80 fd 24 06 04 10 00 78 00 80 02 00 00 00 00
10: 04 00 10 e9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 80 10 00
30: 00 00 00 00 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 01 00 00

You can see the locations for the vendor ID (tan), device ID (green) and class code (red). The bytes appear to be backwards, but they are in little endian order, as this machine uses an Intel chipset.


Some of the utilities discussed in this section are in the net-tools package and have been obsoleted by the iproute2 collection of tools.

The ifup and ifdown utilities work on interfaces defined in the /etc/network/interfaces configuration file (Debian and its derivatives).

Other distributions may have the configuration file(s) in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. Unfortunately, this is what happens when tools like ifup and ifdown, et al., are not standardized.

Here’s a sample /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp3s5
iface enp3s5 inet dhcp

iface enp0s31f6 inet static

TODO talk about what the config files are doing


There are some rules when it comes to choosing a hostname. For instance, it can only contain the following 7-bit characters:


In addition, it must begin with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character.

It can be up to 64 characters in length.


You can read out the contents of /etc/hostname to get the current setting of your hostname.

In addition, for machines using systemd, the hostnamectl command can be used to control the hostname.

To see the current hostname and other settings, simply invoke hostnamectl. You can add the status command, however, it’s not necessary since it’s the default:

$ hostnamectl
   Static hostname: kilgore-trout
         Icon name: computer-laptop
           Chassis: laptop
        Machine ID: z7a35d666y154d2112azzcyc3ad3d74z
           Boot ID: 2842e4921a664dbb9e9c6e802899c377
  Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
            Kernel: Linux 5.10.0-21-amd64
      Architecture: x86-64

Note that the Machine ID is the dbus ID which can be read from /etc/machine-id. On some systems, this may be symlinked to /var/lib/dbus/machine-id.

Now, to change the hostname to something more appropriate, like poop, issue the following command:

$ hostnamectl set-hostname poop

And, the hostname is automatically updated in /etc/hostname.

But, wait, there’s more! hostnamectl can also set two other types of hostnames! That’s right, there are three types of hostnames defined on a system. Will wonders never cease?

First, the one that we’ve just set is known as the static hostname, and it is used to initialize the system’s hostname at boot time (note, don’t confuse this with diaper time).

Second, the pretty hostname allows for special characters and can be used to set a more descriptive name than the static hostname:

$ hostnamectl --pretty set-hostname "Kilgore Trout"
$ hostnamectl
   Static hostname: kilgore-trout
   Pretty hostname: Kilgore Trout
         Icon name: computer-laptop
           Chassis: laptop
        Machine ID: e7a35d989b154d1686aeecbc3ad3d74e
           Boot ID: 2842e4921a664dbb9e9c6e802899c377
  Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
            Kernel: Linux 5.10.0-21-amd64
      Architecture: x86-64

Third, there is a transient hostname that is only used when the static hostname is not set or when it is the default localhost name.

Note that if none of the three hostname types are specified when setting the hostname, it will default to static and use that name for all the types. To only set the static hostname, but not the other two, use the --static.

In all cases, only the static hostname is stored in the /etc/hostname file.


The machine (and applications) can map hostnames to IP addresses using two different methods: a file database and a DNS resolver.

We can determine the order in which the machine will do the mapping. For instance, does it first consult the file and then the resolver? Or, vice-versa?

To find the answer to that riddle, we’ll crack open the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

You may recall this particular file from a previous lesson, and you’d be right!

To quote the man page:

The Name Service Switch (NSS) configuration file, /etc/nsswitch.conf, is used by the GNU C Library and certain other applications to determine the sources from which to obtain name-service information in a range of categories, and in what order. Each category of information is identified by a name database.

Let’s grep for the hosts name database:

$ ag --nonumbers hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname mymachines

And there we have it: first files is searched and then afterwards dns.


The /etc/hosts database file is what is searched when the “files” source is specified for a database name entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf. You can see this for yourself, and the other files that are read when other databases have the “files” source in their line entry by taking a gander at the FILES section of the man page.

In general, the entries of the hosts database are retrieved in two common ways:

$ cat /etc/hosts       localhost       kilgore-trout.benjamintoll.com  kilgore-trout   onf

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

When the getent tool is used, it will get entries from Name Service Switch libraries according to the particular database provided as an argument. For our purposes, it uses several different library calls to enumerate the hosts database (/etc/hosts).

$ getent hosts       localhost       kilgore-trout.benjamintoll.com kilgore-trout   onf       localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

If the hostname isn’t able to be resolved using this simple mapping, the kernel will then try the resolver (i.e., specified by the “dns” entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf).


The dns name database that is listed after files will have the kernel ask the resolver to query up to three nameservers defined in its configuration file, /etc/resolv.conf:

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search home

Note that the nameserver has specified my gateway router as the machine to resolve DNS queries. Depending on the machine and the software, you may see as the nameserver. This signifies that the machine is using systemd-resolved as its resolver, and that daemon will be listening on that address and then forwarding any requests to the IP address configured by DHCP.

At this point, the remote names that are being queried are domain names, not hostnames.

If no nameservers are defined, the default behavior is to use the nameserver on the local machine.

There are several options that can be specified in this file:

Option Definition
nameserver Either IPv4 or IPv6. Can have up to three.
search Allows short form searches. Can have up to six.
domain Used to set local domain name. If not set, default to everything after the first . in the hostname.
option Affects the behavior of the resolver. For example, option timeout:3 will time out if the name can’t be resolved in three seconds.

search and domain are mutually exclusive.


NetworkManager is a daemon that sits on top of udev and provides a high-level abstraction for the configuration of the network interfaces identified by the machine.

For example, when using DHCP, it will handle the use the host information received from the server to configure the adapter. Also, it will always try to ensure that at least one connection is active at all times, if possible, prioritizing wired over wireless.

The daemon runs in the background with root privileges. It uses dbus, so users will use a client application to configure their network interfaces, and this client application will interact with the daemon.

If you have manually configured your interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces, NetworkManager will not manage these. This is nice, as it will stay out of your way and not try to control every single thing.

There are two command-line tools, nmcli and nmtui that are client tools to manage NetworkManager. The exam focuses on the former.

nmtui is a TUI (text user interface) and is curses-based. Check it out.

Here is a list of subcommands of the nmcli tool. They are referred to as objects:

Object Description
general NetworkManager’s general status and operations.
networking Overall networking control.
radio NetworkManager radio switches.
connection NetworkManager’s connections.
device Devices managed by NetworkManager.
agent NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent.
monitor Monitor NetworkManager changes.
$ nmcli general status
connected  full          enabled  enabled  enabled  enabled
$ nmcli dev wifi list
IN-USE  BSSID              SSID                 MODE   CHAN  RATE        SIGNAL  BARS  SECURITY
        E8:AD:A6:5D:8B:EE  MySpectrumWiFie8-2G  Infra  11    195 Mbit/s  72      ▂▄▆_  WPA2
*       E8:AD:A6:5D:8B:EF  MySpectrumWiFie8-5G  Infra  149   540 Mbit/s  60      ▂▄▆_  WPA2
        00:CB:51:4E:CD:1E  MySpectrumWiFi18-2G  Infra  1     195 Mbit/s  29      ▂___  WPA2

To connect to an interface with a password but not have it appear in the bash history (or anywhere visible on the screen), read it from a file:

$ nmcli device wifi connect MySpectrumWiFie8-2G password $(< derpy.pwd)
Device 'wlp3s0' successfully activated with '0ce367ad-7e16-4d9d-a20d-08f6a3b91fde'.
$ nmcli connection show
NAME                 UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
MySpectrumWiFie8-2G  0ce367ad-7e16-4d9d-a20d-08f6a3b91fde  wifi      wlp3s0
MySpectrumWiFie8-5G  22318b3c-63fd-4724-a756-72db97988338  wifi      --
Proton VPN CH-UK#1   64e9efeb-57c8-4071-acce-c385e1ef51c0  vpn       --
Wired connection 1   c44c8e71-6b35-4a41-a6a8-0a6c32275343  ethernet  --

According to the LPI docs, the following command should have prompted me for a password when in a terminal emulator, but it did not:

$ nmcli device wifi connect MySpectrumWiFie8-2G

Connect to a hidden network (the SSID name is hidden):

$ nmcli device wifi connect Derpy password MyPassword hidden yes

If the host has more than one network interface, you can specify the adapter to use when connecting with the ifname parameter:

$ nmcli device wifi connect Derpy password MyPassword ifname wlo1

Where the legacy ifdown command was previously used to bring down a network adapter, nmcli is preferred:

$ nmcli connection down Derpy


$ sudo ifdown Derpy

The UUID will change every time the connection is brought back up, so it’s better to rely on the SSID name for consistency when referring to the connection.

You can also turn off a wireless adapter to save power. Use the radio object for this action:

$ nmcli radio wifi off

After a connection is established, it is saved and NetworkManager will automatically connect to it in the future.

Ever wonder where NetworkManager stores the passwords for its sucessful connections? I know I have, yo.

On my Debian machine, they are stored in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ by SSID with a .nmconnection file extension:

$ ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/

All of the files have 0600 permissions and of course are owned by root. In addition, the entries in that directory are formatted as INI files and contain information about the connection. For this particular exercise, the two sections that are of interest are [wifi] and [wifi-security].



The psk could also be a file descriptor.

You can also use nmcli to get the information about a connection. Query by the SSID:

$ nmcli --show-secrets connection show id Kool-Moe-Dee

To delete a connection:

$ nmcli connection delete DerpNet


Of course, systemd has daemons that can manage not only network interfaces through the systemd-networkd daemon, but it can also use systemd-resolved to manage local name resolution.

To setup network interfaces, you can add configuration files to any of the following locations. Use the .network extension. Note that they are listed in the order of priority:

  • /etc/systemd/network
    • The local administration network directory.
  • /run/systemd/network
    • The volatile runtime network directory.
  • /lib/systemd/network
    • The system network directory.

Like a lot of directories in Linux that store configuration information, the files are processed in lexigraphic order so it is recommended that each one is prefaced with a number. Note that identically-named files will replace each other.

If you want to make changes to an already-defined file, add it to a location with a higher-priority rather than changing the installed file. Or, add a “drop-in” directory, as the man page calls it, (for example, foo.network.d/) and add files with the suffix .conf. These will be merged in lexigraphic order and parsed after the main file has been parsed, again saving you from having to edit the main file.

Drop-in .d/ directories can also be placed in the main locations listed above, and they take the same priority as the main directories they are within.

There are also configuration files with a .netdev suffix (for virtual network devices, such as bridge and tun) and .link (for low-level settings for the corresponding network interface).

Here’s what one of the files on my system looks like:

$ cat /lib/systemd/network/80-wifi-adhoc.network


The [Match] section defines the type of interface to which the configuration file refers. There is also a Name= entry that can be used to reference a specific interface or many with shell-style globs, and there is a MACAddress= entry.

Here are two files that could be used to define interfaces using a statically-provided IP address and gateway and one that uses DHCP:




The DHCP= entry can also have the values ipv4 and ipv6.

Note that it’s possible, of course, to use systemd for wireless network interface configuration with a password, but it’s somewhat convoluted, and I’m not going to cover it here.

Deal with it.


Note that wpa_supplicant can be used to authenticate password-protected network adapters. Only when it’s authenticated can systemd-networkd then configure the network adapter.

For example, store the hashed password in a location managed by systemd with the correct naming convention:

$ sudo wpa_passphrase MyWifi > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlo1.conf

More, from the LPIC-1 docs:

The systemd manager reads the WPA passphrase files in /etc/wpa_supplicant/ and creates the corresponding service to run WPA supplicant and bring the interface up. The passphrase file created in the example will then have a corresponding service unit called wpa_supplicant@wlo1.service.

Command systemctl start wpa_supplicant@wlo1.service will associate the wireless adapter with the remote access point. Command systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlo1.service makes the association automatic during boot time.

Finally, a .network file matching the wlo1 interface must be present in /etc/systemd/network/, as systemd-networkd will use it to configure the interface as soon as WPA supplicant finishes the association with the access point.

See 109.2 Persistent network configuration for more information.


There are so many options to the ip command, but the LPIC docs only cover a few.

The ip command is used to show and manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels.

There are many subcommands to the new-ish ip command:

To get help about any subcommand, add the help verb:

$ ip address help


The ip-address command is mostly used to list the local interfaces.

$ ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s31f6: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e8:6a:64:63:90:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether a0:a4:c5:5f:f3:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlp3s0
       valid_lft 251452sec preferred_lft 251452sec
    inet6 fe80::f167:8747:fb33:88bc/64 scope link noprefixroute
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

addr and a are shorthand synonyms for address (and the other subcommands have shorthands, too), but I’ll always use the long form.

The older, legacy ifconfig command can list the same information. But, if you’re still using ifconfig, you’re a terrible person.

You can also list the contents of /sys/class/net/, if mounted:

$ ls /sys/class/net/
enp0s31f6  lo  wlp3s0

Configure an interface (same command for both IPv4 and IPv6):

$ sudo ip addr add dev enp0s8
$ sudo ip addr add 2001:db8::10/64 dev enp0s8

Legacy method of configuring an interface with ifconfig:

$ sudo ifconfig eth2 netmask
$ sudo ifconfig eth2 netmask 0xffffff00
$ sudo ifconfig enp0s8 add 2001:db8::10/64

The ip-link command is used to configure low level interface or protocol settings such as VLANs, ARP, or MTUs or disabling an interface.

You can also use ip-link to list out the interfaces on the machine:

$ ip link
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: enp0s31f6: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether e8:6a:64:63:90:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether a0:a4:c5:5f:f3:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

To bring an interface down and then back up:

$ sudo ip link set dev enp0s8 down
$ sudo ip link show dev enp0s8
3: enp0s8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:ab:11:3e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
$ sudo ip link set dev enp0s8 up
$ sudo ip link show dev enp0s8
3: enp0s8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:ab:11:3e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Of course, the ifconfig analog is:

$ sudo ifconfig enp0s8 down
$ sudo ifconfig enp0s8 up

Adjust the MTU:

$ sudo ip link set enp0s8 mtu 2000
$ sudo ip link show dev enp0s3
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 2000 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:54:53:59 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Using ifconfig:

$ sudo ifconfig enp0s3 mtu 1500
$ sudo ip link show dev enp0s3
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:54:53:59 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Routing Table

The following commands will all show the routing table:

  • route
  • ip route
  • netstat -r
$ sudo route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         RAC2V1S         UG    600    0        0 wlp3s0
link-local     U     1000   0        0 wlp3s0   U     600    0        0 wlp3s0
$ ip route
default via dev wlp3s0 proto dhcp metric 600 dev wlp3s0 scope link metric 1000 dev wlp3s0 proto kernel scope link src metric 600
$ netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
default         RAC2V1S         UG        0 0          0 wlp3s0
link-local     U         0 0          0 wlp3s0   U         0 0          0 wlp3s0

Here is how to interpret the Flags column:

Value Meaning
U route is up
G gateway
! reject the route, it won’t be used
n route hasn’t been cached

Other columns:

Column Meaning
Met, Metric the administrative distance to the target (isn’t used by the kernel), used by routing protocols to determine dynamic routes
Ref reference count, the number of uses of a route (isn’t used by the kernel)
Use number of lookups for a route
MSS maximum segment size for TCP connections over that route
Window default TCP window size
irtt round trip time for packets on this route

To view the same information for IPv6:

$ sudo route -6
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                    Next Hop                   Flag Met Ref Use If
fe80::/64                      [::]                       U    600 1     0 wlp3s0
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  1     0 lo
kilgore-trout/128              [::]                       Un   0   3     0 wlp3s0
ff00::/8                       [::]                       U    256 10     0 wlp3s0
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  1     0 lo
$ ip -6 route
fe80::/64 dev wlp3s0 proto kernel metric 600 pref medium
$ netstat -6r
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                    Next Hop                   Flag Met Ref Use If
fe80::/64                      [::]                       U    600 1     0 wlp3s0
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  1     0 lo
kilgore-trout/128              [::]                       Un   0   3     0 wlp3s0
ff00::/8                       [::]                       U    256 10     0 wlp3s0
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  1     0 lo

The output of ip route and ip -6 route reads as follows:

  1. Destination.
  2. Optional address followed by interface.
  3. The routing protocol used to add the route.
  4. The scope of the route. If this is omitted, it is global scope, or a gateway.
  5. The route’s metric. This is used by dynamic routing protocols to determine the cost of the route. This isn’t used by most systems.
  6. If it is an IPv6 route, the RFC4191 route preference.

For example (IPv4):

default via dev enp0s3 proto dhcp metric 100
  1. The destination is the default route.
  2. The gateway address is reachable through interface enp0s3.
  3. It was added to the routing table by DHCP.
  4. The scope was omitted, so it is global.
  5. The route has a cost value of 100.
  6. No IPv6 route preference.

Managing Routes

Use route or ip route to manage routes.

For example, both can be used to add and remove a route:

$ sudo route -6 add 2001:db8:1::/64 gw 2001:db8::3
$ sudo route -6 del 2001:db8:1::/64 gw 2001:db8::3
$ sudo ip route add 2001:db8:1::/64 via 2001:db8::3
$ sudo ip route del 2001:db8:1::/64 via 2001:db8::3

Testing Network Connections


The well-known ping and ping6 utilities send an ICMP request to a destination IP address. If the destination is reachable, it will send an ICMP echo reply message back to the sender with the same data that was sent to it (unless blocked by a firewall or router).

Unless you specify the -c count option, the sender will keep sending packets until it’s stopped (CTRL-C).

How can you block ping requests?

$ sudo sysctl -ar "icmp_echo"
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 0
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1

If the value of icmp_echo_ignore_all is 0, then it is not blocking the ping requests.

You can temporarily block them by using the [sysctl] command to modify kernel parameters at runtime:

$ sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all"

To block it permanently, open the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the following line:

net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1

Then apply the changes:

$ sudo sysctl -p

Of course, you can also block ICMP requests using iptables, but I won’t go into that here.


The traceroute and traceroute6 programs can be used to show you the route a packet takes to get to its destination.

They do this by sending multiple packets to the destination, incrementing the Time to live (TTL) field of the [IP header] with each subsequent packet. Each router along the way will respond with a TTL exceeded ICMP message.

By default, traceroute will send three UDP packets


On Debian, the tracepath utility is part of the iputils-tracepath package, even though its man page says that it’s part of the iputils package.

For IPv6, use tracepath6.

As with ping and traceroute, any network device on the path may block its packets.

tracepath is similar to traceroute, except that it discovers the Maximum Transimission Unit (MTU) size along the path. The MTU is configured on each network interface (or a limitation of the hardware), and using this utility is handy in determining when a network interface has a small(er) MTU necessitating fragmenting the packet(s).

Like traceroute, it will increment the TTL for each hop, but it differs in that it sends a single large UDP packet, which inevitably, will be larger than one or more of the configured MTUs of a network interface along the route.

The tool will display the size of the smallest MTU on the last line of its output.


The netcat implementation on my Debian bullseye system is from the Nmap Project and is a “much-improved reimplementation of the venerable netcat” and is called ncat. It can send or receive arbitrary data over a TCP or UDP network connection.

The netcat and nc binaries are simply symlinks to ncat:

$ readlink -f $(which netcat)
$ readlink -f $(which nc)

You can chat with a pal using ncat. You can establish a connection that listens on port 3000 for incoming TCP requests:

$ ncat -l -p 3000

Then, your bestie across the country can connect to the port on their end:

$ ncat 3000

ncat is also great at creating a remote shell (this example uses UDP as the transport protocol):

$ ncat -u -e /bin/bash -l 3000
$ ncat 3000
uname -a
Linux kilgore-trout 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux



The netstat tool is used to view the status of your current listeners and connections. It has mainly beenobsoleted and has been replaced by ss. From the man page:

This program is mostly obsolete. Replacement for netstat is ss. Replacement for netstat -r is ip route. Replacement for netstat -i is ip -s link. Replacement for netstat -g is ip maddr.

Here are some options common to both utilities:

Option Description
-a, --all Shows all sockets.
-l, --listening Shows listening sockets.
-p, --program Shows the process associated with the connection.
-n, --numeric Prevents name lookups for both ports and addresses.
-t, --tcp Shows TCP connections.
-u, --udp Shows UDP connections.

Here is an example of its use with common switches:

$ sudo netstat -tulnp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      1283/cupsd
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1343/postgres
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      4068/master
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1315/tor
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      868/python
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1287/redis-server 1
udp        0      0 *                           867/avahi-daemon: r
udp        0      0  *                           867/avahi-daemon: r
udp        0      0   *                           1298/cups-browsed
udp6       0      0 :::5353                 :::*                                867/avahi-daemon: r
udp6       0      0 :::43303                :::*                                867/avahi-daemon: r
udp6       0      0 fe80::f167:8747:fb3:546 :::*                                877/NetworkManager

The Recv-Q column is the number of packets a socket has received but not passed off to its program. The Send-Q column is the number of packets a socket has sent that have not been acknowledged by the receiver.

The rest of the columns are self explanatory.


Let’s now briefly look at the ss tool, the replacement for netstat.

Here is an example of its use with common switches:

$ sudo ss -tulnp
Netid State  Recv-Q Send-Q                      Local Address:Port  Peer Address:PortProcess
udp   UNCONN 0      0                       *    users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=867,fd=14))
udp   UNCONN 0      0                       *    users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=867,fd=12))
udp   UNCONN 0      0                       *    users:(("cups-browsed",pid=1298,fd=7))
udp   UNCONN 0      0                                    [::]:5353          [::]:*    users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=867,fd=13))
udp   UNCONN 0      0                                    [::]:43303         [::]:*    users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=867,fd=15))
udp   UNCONN 0      0      [fe80::f167:8747:fb33:88bc]%wlp3s0:546           [::]:*    users:(("NetworkManager",pid=877,fd=24))
tcp   LISTEN 0      128                   *    users:(("cupsd",pid=1283,fd=7))
tcp   LISTEN 0      244                   *    users:(("postgres",pid=1343,fd=5))
tcp   LISTEN 0      100                   *    users:(("master",pid=4068,fd=13))
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096                  *    users:(("tor",pid=1315,fd=6))
tcp   LISTEN 0      5                       *    users:(("python",pid=868,fd=3))
tcp   LISTEN 0      511                   *    users:(("redis-server",pid=1287,fd=6))


Some of this information was covered in the systemd-networkd section.

This software package may not be installed by default. It does not provide a full fledged DNS server.

It listens on, and you would (probably?) see it listed in /etc/resolv.conf. systemd-resolved provides DNS, mDNS and LLMNR.

Any DNS requests it receives are looked up by querying servers configured in /etc/systemd/resolv.conf or /etc/resolv.conf. If you wish to use this, use resolve for the hosts name database in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

To use it, add the method resolve to the hosts db entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf:

hosts:          resolve files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns

To check the DNS currently in use by systemd-resolved, use the resolvectl utility:

$ resolvectl status
         Protocols: +LLMNR +mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
  resolv.conf mode: foreign
Current DNS Server:
       DNS Servers:
        DNS Domain: home

Link 2 (enp0s31f6)
Current Scopes: none
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 3 (wlp3s0)
Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
     Protocols: +DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
   DNS Servers:
    DNS Domain: home

You may get the following error when issuing the aforementioned command:

$ resolvectl status
Failed to get global data: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found.

In this case, the service isn’t running, so start it (and possibly enable it, depending on your needs).

Name Resolution

Name resolution isn’t just for hostnames, it is also used for user and group names, port numbers and more. I mean, who wants to remember IP address, UIDs, GIDs, etc.? Nobody.

Having said all that, we’re just going to take a look at hosname resolution below.

There are three DNS record class values, but the one we’ll look at is the IN record class (the Internet). This is the record class that is mostly used.

The other two are:

  • CH
    • the Chaos record class
    • refers to ChaosNet, an obsoleted network technology no longer in use
  • HS

You can see the record class value when using the dig utility. Here, I’m limiting the response to only the ANSWER section:

$ dig +noall +answer theowlsnest.farm
theowlsnest.farm.       521     IN      A

How do utilities do any kind of name resolution? They call functions in libc that will read our old friend the /etc/nsswitch.conf file to determine how to resolve a name.

Recall that each listed name database in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file could have several entries which determine the order and method of lookup.

Here are some other mentions of nsswitch.conf in this series and other articles on benjamintoll.com:

The file is organized into columns. The far left column is the type of name database. The rest of the columns are the methods the resolution functions should use to lookup a name (such as gethostbyname).

The methods are followed by the functions from left to right. Columns with [] are used to provide some limited conditional logic to the column immediately to the left of it.

Let’s look at the listing for the hosts name database in /etc/nsswitch.conf:

hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname mymachines

You can test the entries in the nsswitch.conf file using several methods. In particular, the following examples are verifying the file, mdns4_minimal and dns entries, respectively.

Using getent:

$ getent hosts localhost
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
$ getent hosts kilgore-trout.local       kilgore-trout.local
$ getent hosts benjamintoll.com   benjamintoll.com

Using python:

$ echo -e "import socket\nprint(socket.gethostbyname('www.benjamintoll.com'))" | python


The getent utility is used to display entries from name service databases. It can retrieve records from any source configurable by /etc/nsswitch.conf.

It allows you to see how real-world requests will resolve by specifying the service that should be used to resolve the name. Experimenting with this allows you to set the order of the service entries for a particular name database in nsswitch.conf.

The -s or --service lets you override all databases with the specified service. Here are some examples.

hosts name database:

$ getent -s files hosts kilgore-trout.local       kilgore-trout.local
$ getent -s dns hosts benjamintoll.com   benjamintoll.com

protocols name database:

$ getent -s files protocols udp
udp                   17 UDP
$ getent -s db protocols udp

services name database:

$ getent -s files services ssh
ssh                   22/tcp
$ getent -s db services ssh


The host utility is a simple program for looking up DNS entries. It is normally used to convert names to IP addresses and vice versa.

With no options, if host is given a name, it returns the A, AAAA, and MX record sets. If given an IPv4 or IPv6 address, it outputs the PTR record if one is available.

name is the domain name that is to be looked up. It can also be a dotted-decimal IPv4 address or a colon-delimited IPv6 address, in which case host will by default perform a reverse lookup for that address.

server is an optional argument which is either the name or IP address of the name server that host should query instead of the server or servers listed in /etc/resolv.conf.

nameserver record type:

$ host -t NS benjamintoll.com
benjamintoll.com name server ns23.domaincontrol.com.
benjamintoll.com name server ns24.domaincontrol.com.

start of authority record type:

$ host -t SOA benjamintoll.com
benjamintoll.com has SOA record ns23.domaincontrol.com. dns.jomax.net. 2023013107 28800 7200 604800 600

mail exchange record type:

$ host -t MX benjamintoll.com
benjamintoll.com mail is handled by 10 mail.protonmail.ch.
benjamintoll.com mail is handled by 20 mailsec.protonmail.ch.

Query a nameserver other than the one specified in resolv.conf:

$ host benjamintoll.com
Using domain server:

benjamintoll.com has address
benjamintoll.com mail is handled by 20 mailsec.protonmail.ch.
benjamintoll.com mail is handled by 10 mail.protonmail.ch.


The dig tool queries for A records by default.

$ dig theowlsnest.farm

; <<>> DiG 9.16.37-Debian <<>> theowlsnest.farm
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 53552
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;theowlsnest.farm.              IN      A

theowlsnest.farm.       600     IN      A

;; Query time: 16 msec
;; WHEN: Mon May 15 23:32:00 EDT 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 61

Let’s look again at just the ANSWER section:

$ dig +noall +answer benjamintoll.com
benjamintoll.com.       377     IN      A

Here we can see that the domain benjamintoll.com points to the IP address, and that the DNS record class is IN (Internet). The second column is the TTL in seconds that controls how long each record is valid and how long it takes for record updates to reach end users.

Also, like the host utility, you can specify a record type with the -t option:

$ dig -t SOA benjamintoll.com

; <<>> DiG 9.16.37-Debian <<>> -t SOA benjamintoll.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43856
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;benjamintoll.com.              IN      SOA

benjamintoll.com.       600     IN      SOA     ns23.domaincontrol.com. dns.jomax.net. 2023013107 28800 7200 604800 600

;; Query time: 36 msec
;; WHEN: Mon May 15 23:42:32 EDT 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 113

Suppress all of the information but the result with the +short option:

$ dig -t SOA +short benjamintoll.com
ns23.domaincontrol.com. dns.jomax.net. 2023013107 28800 7200 604800 600

There are a ton of other sweet, sweet options. See the man page for more information.


Continue your journey with the sixth and last installment in this titillating series, On the LPIC-1 Exam 102: Security.
